A Psychic Forcefield - Does it Really Exist

By Amos Amos

Much of the lore surrounding psychic phenomena can get quite far fetched if you are reading the wrong things and looking in questionable places for answers. Let's take a look at the notion of a psychic force field, and see whether it has any basis in fact, or whether it exists strictly in the shallow waters of popular fiction.

Much of the early lab work done on psychics, back in the 1950's and 1960's dealt with the idea of a psychic being able to generate a "ring" of energy around themselves, purely through the power of their mental focus of conviction. The Soviet Union, both before and even during the cold war, was studying the possibility that a group of psychics might be able to construct a field of protection so wide and dense, that it would have military grade purposes!

Now - for those who believe in both science, and psychic phenomena, I've got both good, and bad news..:-) The Good news is, any objective evaluation of the tests done on psychic phenomena in a laboratory setting on a large scale basis have shown an incredible body of evidence to support that we do ABSOLUTELY posses amazing, life changing psychic skills as a human race. From remote viewing experiments done by the C.I.A, to the random number generator tests done at Princeton University, to the incredible body of work produced by the Rhine Institute and far, far beyond - there is a wealth of facts that support the notion that human beings have incredible, untapped psychic skills that can be DEVELOPED and practiced much like playing the piano, or a good jump shot on the basketball court can.

There is not, however, any evidence that we are able to generate a force field of psychic protection around us either as individuals or sovereign countries! It might be nice if there was, though, right? So the next time someone tells you they can create a star trek like shield around themselves using nothing but psychic energy, you may want to walk in the other direction!

Now - the one thing caveat I will make to the above is this: Most scientists and parapsychologists who study PSI ( the scientific name for the study of psychic phenomena) will tell you it APPEARS to be an evolving skill. This means that it can be improved upon, maybe both as individuals, as well as a species. Lots of good theories abound that the next great evolution in human beings might be in these very realms.

So, who knows - maybe 50, 100, 200 years from now we will all have the ability to generate a psychic force field around us when we are having a bad day, in a rotten mood, or just feel like being left alone..:-) Until then though, for now, it's as much science fiction as Mr. Spock and the rest of the crew! - 32177

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Market Cycles

By Ahmad Hassam

Knowing the major market cycles is important for you and your trading system. Each market cycle requires a different approach from your trading system. There are four major market cycles. Adapting to market cycles can improve your profitability.

The four major market cycles are: 1) Trending, 2) Consolidating, 3) Breaking out of a consolidation and 4) Corrective. Lets discuss these market cycles now.

Remember the saying, Trend is your friend. Trending is when the market starts to move consistently in one direction either up or down. An uptrend means each higher high is higher than the previous high and each lower low is also higher from the previous low. Similarly for the down trend!

Consolidating is when the market is struck between two horizontal support and resistance levels. On a chart, it will look like a sideways horizontal line.

Breaking out of a Consolidation is when there is a sharp increase or decrease in the price after the market has been consolidation for at least 20 bars.

And the last market cycle is the corrective cycle. Corrective is a short sharp reverse in prices during a longer market trend. Many traders also use Elliott Wave Theory to determine waves which are also an indication of market cycles In addition to these four market cycles.

However, using Elliott Waves is somewhat advanced for most traders. There are five Elliott waves and each one has its own relevance in determining the trading strategy. You need to have a thorough understanding and ability to correctly determine which wave the market is in at that point.

For example suppose the market is only consolidation and you incorrectly determine that the market has entered a trend. Incorrectly identifying the market with either the four market cycles or by using the Elliot Waves can be a costly mistake.

How can you learn to determine the market cycle? Your best plan of action should be constant observation. You might enter a trend trade and get immediately stopped out. Market experience is the best teacher and only overtime you will be able to correctly figure out the market cycle.

Hindsight is always perfect but trying to predict the markets can be an elusive and impossible endeavor. Right side of the chart is always an unknown quantity for the trader until it reveals itself.

The markets have four cycles just as there are four seasons in a year. You need to learn what the different market cycles are in addition to having a trading system. That means you should develop the skill of correctly identifying the different market cycles at the right time.

You need to learn how to adopt your approach to those cycles to remain profitable. For example in a choppy, sideways bracketed market, you need to adopt your system and rules so that you do not get whip sawed and stopped out a lot. Effectively identifying the market cycles is a skill that all successful traders have mastered. - 32177

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Secrets To Becoming a Great Psychic Medium

By James Brown Smith

A psychic medium is not born a top psychic medium but like any skill they develop their psychic ability through time. Psychic mediums all start off like everyone else who also have these latent psychic abilities. However certain environmental conditions can dramatically improve their psychic mediumship skills.

Being born to a family of healers and psychics helps program your mind to that fact that it is perfectly normal to become a psychic medium. Other factors are being fascinated with other healers and psychics to the point you read everything you can lay your hands to further open your mind up to the possibility of becoming a psychic medium. Interestingly many people think that reading about psychic mediums and using psychic tools such as tarot cards etc will transform them into a psychic medium. The reality is the more they trust their intuition and still their mind the more psychic they will become. However being psychic and becoming a psychic medium are worlds apart.

The secret is rather surprising; listing to the spirits from the other side is all about raising your vibration by constantly clearing yourself of negative energy. In other words to become a psychic medium you first have to become a healer.

Only then can you clear your space and your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body to the point you will have accurate communication with the spirit world. Negative energy will come to you in many forms it may be the location you are at, it may be someone you spoke to over the phone or in person or it may be as simple as your own negative thoughts and fears. Irrespective of the source of the negative energy you must clear your space, everything you consume and all of your four bodies. There are a number of easy techniques that will all help clear you of negative energy.

The more well know ones are bathing in water with a few drops of organic cold pressed essential oils that you have intuitively selected another is to add Epsom Salts to your bath water. More advanced techniques involve your breathing and brushing your body down with water whether in front of the wash hand basin or in the shower or clearing the room with sage and breathing out the negative energy. If you are not familiar with Reiki or a similar healing modality you may well think that all these negative energy clearing techniques are nonsense. However irrespective whether these techniques alter matter or our perception of reality the fact is that your psychic mediumship abilities and new found health and well being will transform your life.

Although your true psychic potential will be influenced to some extent by your genetics and environment, ultimately becoming psychic medium will be very much determined by what your learn and more importantly adopt in your daily life. If you wish to explore your psychic ability and dramatically improve the quality of your life and your health then you should make the decision to start today. - 32177

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What to Ask Online Psychic Readers

By John Atanasov

Online psychic readers have probably heard it all. But there are some things you shouldn't ask a psychic in a live online reading and some things you definitely should ask. It's helpful to know how to phrase your questions as well. This will ensure that you get the best from your psychic reading.

Many online psychic readers are not comfortable answering questions about health. This is because most of them are not doctors and to answer medical questions could be construed as practicing medicine. Questions relating to pregnancy, fertility, STDs, and the like are better addressed with your medical practitioner. It's not that a psychic can't answer these kinds of questions, because some online psychics are also medically intuitive. But to ask these questions in an online reading is just not appropriate in most instances and most online psychics won't answer them. For the same reason, posing legal questions to an online psychic falls into another gray area, and some psychics won't answer those either.

What you should ask about is relationship issues, career issues, money issues, business partnerships, family issues. There are some very good empaths online who can tune right in to what another person is feeling and thinking about you. And that can be helpful for you to know if you need to make imminent decisions. Ask about your future as well, but do it in a specific, rather than general way.

Phrase your specific questions in a way that the psychic can tune in quickly and bring you back an accurate answer. For example, do not ask broad ranging questions such as "Do you have any messages for me?" Ask instead "Does my father, Chris, who crossed over in April have any advice for me about what to do regarding my career?" Do not ask "What am I supposed to know?" Ask instead "What exactly do I need to know about my job situation?" Ask "Will I get a promotion or a raise and when?" Ask "When will I get another job?" Ask "Should I move to Arizona or California?" instead of "Should I move?" If you're involved in a lawsuit, ask what the outcome will be. Ask if you will prevail in any upcoming legal battles. Do not ask "What's going to happen in my life?"

In terms of relationships, do not give a false name about someone you'd like to know about. This can result in inaccurate information being brought to you. Ask "How do you see the relationship between me and so and so shaping up? Does it lead to long term commitment? Or is it just a temporary fling? How long do you see us staying together? Do we have real connection there? Or is our relationship just about lessons?" Ask if the person has genuine feelings for you. If you're looking for your soul mate ask "Do you see anyone new entering my life and when?" Ask if they know the person's name as well. Ask then if this person is your soul mate or not.

Ask "What should I do about my sick mother? Should I put her in a home, should I hire a caretaker?" Do not ask "When is my mother going to cross over?" Ask if there is anything you need to clear up with your mother. And then do so.

Do ask for clarification on lessons you are currently working on. Do ask what you need to know or do to make those lessons easier or bring a cycle to a conclusion. Ask for time frames. Some psychics can furnish these. Some can't. Some throw out names and dates just say they do so. That is why it's important to take notes during an online psychic reading. Then you can refer back to your notes to see if the psychic's predictions have come to pass or not. We are definitely attached to knowing when and how. While an online psychic reading can sometimes help you with that, be aware that we do change things with our free will. So time frames can shift depending on what you do or do not do. Now that you know what to ask and how to phrase it you're ready for to call for your online psychic reading. Enjoy! - 32177

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Candlestick Guide

By Ahmad Hassam

Download Candlestick Guide (82 pages) free after you finish reading this article. This candlestick guide is a complementary gift for you from Options University and is comprehensive. Candlesticks have become popular in the Western trading community especially the United States in the past decade. However, candlestick charting methods had been developed by Japanese rice traders hundreds of years back.

Internet made possible the availability of online trading to retail trading. The advent of internet has leveled the playing field for traders whether they trade stocks, futures, options, commodities, precious metals or currencies. In the last two decades there have been seismic changes in the way people used to trade. Access to the market is now only one mouse click away. Trade just by clicking your mouse!

Market information is now in most cases freely available online. Internet has made commission rates dramatically lower. The result is that a whole generation of new traders and investors want to try their luck beating the market.

Can you beat the market? It depends if you are using the right tools. I am a great fan of candlesticks charting and I have seen many traders both new and professionals becoming die hard fans of candlestick charting. Why? Because candlestick charting is the best tool available.

There are many forms of charting techniques that have been developed over time. Why candlestick charting is superior to other forms of charting like the line charts, bar charts or point and figure charts? One of the best features of candlestick charting is its visual appeal and readability. You can glance at a candlestick chart and quickly gain an understanding of whats going on with the price action in the market.

You can easily spot opening and closing price of a security or currency on a candlestick chart. These price levels can be a very important area of support and resistance from day to day.

Have you ever heard names like Harami, hanging man, doji etc? Well these are the names of a few candlestick patterns. There are certain specific candlestick patterns that can help you identify when is the best time to buy, sell or wait on a trade or investment. This information can be extremely useful for short term traders like day traders and swing traders.

Learning how to spot these candlestick patterns is very important for you. In order to trade and invest effectively using candlestick charts you need to understand these candlestick patterns. These candlestick patterns can be a real boon to your trading and you can combine them with other technical indicators for even more reliable results.

Many different types of candlestick patterns can tell you what may lie ahead in the market. Patterns appear on the candlestick charts as simple, single stick occurrences or complex multi stick formations.

This information can be highly valuable in knowing that the prevailing trend might reverse or continue. You may use the information provided by candlestick patterns to decide when to get into a trade, when to get out of a trade or even when to hang unto a trade you are already in.

Download your 82 page candlestick guide here complete with strategy flash cards all free. This is the best candlestick guide in the market and you dont need to waste your money on buying a guide because this candlestick guide is a complementary gift for you from the Options University. - 32177

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Selecting Your Trading System

By Ahmad Hassam

When selecting a trading system, first try to paper trade it. You need to paper trade your trading system to get the bugs out. Paper trading is not a substitute for live trading but still you can assume that 75% of the results that you achieve in demo trading can be replicated in live trading.

Money management plan for your trading system is a must. A good money management plan will tell you how much you should risk on each trade with that trading system. For that to know you need two ratios. Win ratio and the payoff ration are two highly important figures to know for any trading system. Use the results of these paper trades to calculate your win ratio and payoff ratio. Determine what your personal win ratio and payoff ratio are in using that trading system over time.

It takes three to tango here. The trading system, your money management system and you yourself, all three of you have to gel together. The stronger and more developed the relationship is between the three of you, the more profitable you will be over time.

These numbers are required in developing a sound money management plan that will work hand in hand with that trading system. What can be the best parameters to selecting your trading system? When selecting your trading system, use these five parameters:

1) Trade entries in the trading system are defined by market price activity, key support and resistance levels, volume and volatility dynamics and not on random and spontaneous decisions.

2) The initial stop loss exit is determined before entering your trade.

3) The trading system that you select is rule based. Just like the trade entries, the trading system determines the trade exits by market price activity, key support and resistance levels, volume and volatility dynamics and fundamental rules, not on any arbitrary dollar loss that you feel comfortable with.

4) You must not underestimate the importance of paper trading though it is not a substitute for live trading. Your trading system has been adequately paper traded or live traded and you have determined your personal statistical performance. You need to know your win ratio and the payoff ratio.

Some traders would like to use the win ratio and the payoff ratio achieved by the other traders. Do not rely on the results that the other got with that trading system. Use the actual results that you attained while using that trading system in calculating your win ratio and the payoff ratio.

You can use a computer in testing the performance of a trading system. Again do not delude yourself by thinking that computer back testing can give you your win ratio or payoff ratio. Do not try to rely on computer back tested results. Your personal performance results are the real results that matter. You cannot depend on computer results and other traders results.

5) Your trading system should be mechanical and rule based. Your trading rules should be written out step by step in sequence so that the entries and exits are consistent, clear and above all quantifiable. This makes your trading mechanical and emotions free. This is very important.

One perfect example of a rule based trading system is the Turtle Trading System. Have you ever heard of the Turtle Trading System? You must read the story of the Turtle Trading Experiment. Turtle Trading System was developed for the commodities futures market.

You must know the story of Turtle Trading Rules. The story of Turtle trading rules is very interesting. The creators of that trading system had a discussion one day. One was of the opinion that great traders are born. The other said great traders can be made.

Both the great masters had a bet. Advertisements were placed in the Wall Street Journal and the Barrons. After short listing, a number of completely new traders were selected to teach them those rules and see if they could become successful traders. Many succeeded with the turtle trading system and became highly successful traders. But only those succeeded who had the discipline to consistently apply the Turtle Trading Rules while trading. - 32177

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You Should Have A Stop Loss (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

Do you have a trading system that tells you when to enter the market? Lets assume that you already have got a trading system that tells you where to enter the market. Does this system also tell you where to get out before you enter the trade?

In other words are you taking the market conditions into account and willing to give your trade a breathing space so that you dont get whipsawed or repeatedly get stopped out. On the road to profitability, lets start by agreeing that we need stop loss exits.

After this agreement, we need to determine how to effectively select stop loss exits to avoid excessive stop outs. Just dont forget, the more trades you place, more commissions or spreads you will have to pay and the higher your trading cost will be.

When you talk of your trading system, you should think about its win ratio and the payoff ratio. You should want to improve on them. The best way to do this is to develop a stop loss strategy that takes into account currency market conditions. So right there you can increase your profitability if you increase the number of winning trades that is your win ratio thereby decreasing your trading cost.

A trading system is like having a girl friend. You can only have one girl friend at one time. There need to be a connection between you and your trading system. It truly is like having a personal relationship. Finding the right trading system can be a lengthy process. You must believe in your trading system and have a high degree of trust that it can produce consistent level of profits overtime.

You need to thoroughly test your trading system and try to measure and calculate its parameters accurately. If you have a trading system that isnt working for you and your win ratio and your payoff ratio dont generate a profit over time then you need to rethink your trading strategy. But you must also understand that no trading system can be perfect and no trading system can produce 100% winning trades.

Determine if it is your trading system that isnt working or is it your trading psychology that is off. Make adjustments to entry and exits. Maybe the market conditions have changed and you havent adjusted your trading system to the new market conditions.

Just keep this in mind that if you dont give your trading system a chance to work jumping constantly from one trading system to another trading system in search of a holy grail wont help you.

Divorce of any kind can be emotionally and financially expensive so proceed with caution when divorcing your trading system. The decision to divorce your trading system should be a carefully thought out one.

The primary purpose of your trading system is to make you feel comfortable and confident. If you feel comfortable and confident with your trading system, you ultimately will also be profitable.

In the end, you need to develop a relationship with your trading system. You will feel confident when your trading system has proven to you and you have proven to your trading system that both can work together. Its a team work. - 32177

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Spot Forex Market Explained (Part II)

By Ahmad Hassam

The worlds big banks are the main players in the spot forex market. These big banks make an exclusive club where most trading activities take place. This club is known as the Interbank Market.

Unlike other markets, the interbank market operates on the principle of highest credit standing in dealing with the counterparty in any forex transaction. For this reason, big banks prefer to deal with big banks only. As a result smaller fish are shut down the line from the interbank market. Down the hierarchy in the spot forex market are the smaller banks, big multinational companies, hedge funds and other institutional investors or speculators and the retail forex brokers. The wealthier you are and the more money you have or are able to get credit for, the more chances you have of accessing this big boys club.

These players conduct currency transactions in the interbank market if they have large capital and have credit standing with the large banks. The independent retail traders lie at the bottom of the market structure.

The retail forex traders trade through their forex brokers. They generally trade in much smaller lot sizes. Central banks are also occasionally involved in currency transactions. So there is no central exchange in the spot forex market to set the prices. Then who sets the currency prices?

Without a central exchange, the currency prices are set by the market makers. Market makers make the bid and ask prices based on the currency movements that they anticipate will take place.

Many banks have professional traders solely dedicated to trading forex for speculation. Largest banks are the major market makers and they handle billions of dollars worth of forex transactions on behalf of their clients like the other institutions and companies and also for themselves.

This big money laden network is knows as the interbank market. Interbank market is where large banks deal with one another. The resulting massive flow of money handled by these big banks is what primarily drives the currency markets. The interbank market is not a perfect market. Since the information is not freely available, market access is restricted, manipulation takes place, governments intervene and a large number of participants in the market routinely buy and sell currencies irrespective of profit which all comes together to turn conventional trading wisdom on its head in this range bound market.

A small group of commercial and central banks have always handled the majority of the forex transaction with each other and for each other. The transactions carried out by these big banks like the Citigroup, Barclays, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch etc amounts to the greatest bulk of the total daily forex volume. Most of the trading activity takes place in the interbank market.

How do the big banks deal with one another in the interbank market? The banks deal directly with one another through the electronic brokering platforms like the Electronic Brokering Services (EBS) or Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching. These brokering services get the best available rates for the various currency pairs. Products from EBS, Currenex, FXAll etc enable banks to reach a larger client base while still maintaining control over their risk. The reality is that a small group of banks control the forex market.

These brokering systems match buying and selling requests from the bank dealers. Between these two competitors they connect at least 1000 banks together. The banks establish specific credit lines with one another in order to deal with one another in the forex market as there is no exchange to serve as each banks counterparty.

Smaller banks that also trade forex also get access to these brokering platforms. Next large companies come. As the main market makers, these big banks constantly quote bid and offer prices to one another thereby making the market. Unlike the exchange traded markets like the NYSE where the market maker has the responsibility to quote the same price to two different parties, a forex dealer in the interbank market may quote whatever price he wishes to his clients. Good customers receive decent prices but for irregular or complicated clients it becomes practically impossible to receive fair market prices. - 32177

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Spot Forex (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

The spot forex market is an over the counter market. The spot forex market is a decentralized network of buyers and sellers. There is no physical central exchange that acts as a central clearing house.

Unlike the forex futures trading that is carried out through the exchange like CBOT, CME etc, over the counter in spot forex means that the buyers and sellers make a binding contract with each other after agreeing on the price and this is not carried through an exchange.

There are several advantages of a central exchange like the counterparty risk for the trades is reduced. There is trading anonymity something that big players want to hide their trails. Forex traders in the spot forex market carry out their activities by dialing directly with one another or through brokers on telephone or internet.

For all the practical purposes, the spot forex market is unregulated and free of distorting red tape. The sheer size of the daily trading volume something like $3 trillions means that the government and the central banks interventions have little long term effect on prices. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) along with Reuters launched the worlds first centrally cleared global forex market place in 2007; FXMarketSpace. CME will act as the clearing house and guarantee the performance of all the contracts for both buyers and sellers in this centrally cleared system.

Only sophisticated investors with net worth of more than $20 Million can trade on the FXMarketSpace. Unfortunately FXMarketSpace is an institutional trading platform and is not open to retail forex traders.

There are many players involved in the spot forex market. The spot forex market has long been the playground of only the biggest and the baddest global banks. At its core, the spot forex market is a credit market. The dominance of big banks is unlikely to be challenged soon. Recently NFA (National Futures Association) had also passed certain new rules that make it more skewed against the small investor like you and me. The spot forex market is still skewed against the retail forex trader. Why is it so?

Previously spot forex trading was the playfield of the big banks, multinationals and the hedge funds. With the advent of the internet, it became possible to introduce trading platforms for the retail investors.

The forex market differs from other traditional financial markets. Things deemed illegal in most of the other financial markets are simply considered part of the game in the forex market. Insider trading, front running, price shading etc are all regularly seen in forex trading and have no legal repercussions whatsoever. Retail spot forex is seeing a lot of growth in the recent years. A mushroom growth of online forex brokers took place. Many did not have even enough capital with them to start the brokerage business. Most of these forex brokers behave like bucket shops. But this is the way; the spot forex market has developed over the years.

Why these players trade forex? What type of advantages they have over the retail forex traders? It is essential for you that you understand the nature of the spot forex market and who are the main players.

Over the counter nature (OTC) of the spot forex market means that currency transactions do not take place at any single place. Instead OTC means that the spot forex market is spread all over the globe.

In order to understand a banks motivation for get involved in spot forex trading, all you have to know is that by combining large forex dealing desk with a decent trading group, you are talking about billions of dollars in profits. A players access to the spot forex market depends on the quantity of transactions of large amounts of money. Players in the spot forex market range from those who trade billions of dollars daily to those who only trade just a few thousand dollars daily. Now these are the main players in the forex market against whom you as a retail forex trader will be competing. - 32177

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